Rocket Arena has launched its latest limited-time mode with the Runaway Megadon Event. It started on September 9 and runs all the way through September 22. During this period, players get the chance to play on new maps, enjoy new modes, and even can use a new playlist.
Hop into this new map
The latest map is Kayo Kanyon, which is named after Boone’s grandfather. It’s an abandoned whistle stop in the Wilds where the Rocket Rail Line rumbles along what are clearly some of Crater’s ricketiest tracks. There’s a rocket-shaped Water Tower along with a Tar Pit that is swimming with Megadon Bones and ancient Rockets. Exciting, right?
New game modes
There’s going to be three new game modes which are:
- Duel
- This Duel is a 1v1 round-based mode where the first player to get five KOs wins.
- Take on your opponent and prove who has the fastest rockets.
- Duel is going to be added as a standalone playlist for the duration of the event.
- MegaMuzzle
- This is a 3v3 Knockout mode where everyone plays as Boone.
- Scope in and see how many long shots you can make.
- MegaMuzzle is going to be added as a rotating Social playlist.
- Splat
- This is a 3v3 Knockout mode where players take greatly increased damage and return quickly.
- Be sure to stay on your toes in this lighthearted and crazy mode.
- If you’re KO’d, don’t worry as you’ll be back immediately.
- Splat is going to be added as a rotating Social playlist.
Exciting Rewards
It’s not all competition though, as simply logging in to the event on consecutive days give players a number of free and exclusive rewards. These are:
- Login on day: 1-14
- Reward: Stompy’s Skull Totem Symbol (Epic)
- Login on day: 1-2
- Reward: Megadon Adventure Boone (Rare)
- Login on day: 3-4
- Reward: Boone’s Mailbox Totem Symbol (Rare)
- Login on day: 5-6
- Reward: Megadon Adventure Topnotch (Rare)
- Login on day: 7-8
- Reward: Rugged Rocks Totem Pattern (Rare)
- Login on day: 9-10
- Reward: Megadon Adventure Plink (Rare)
- Login on day: 11-12
- Reward: Rocket Rail Caboose Totem Symbol (Rare)
- Login on day: 13-14
- Reward: Fossilized Megablast VFX Trail (Epic)
Get all details of this limited-time event here.