Axl Rose has been sending out DMCA notices to websites hosting a particular picture Rose doesn't seem to be too fond of. in what looks like an attempt to wipe the internet of Axl Rose meme material. Unfortunately the Streisand effect is a thing, so you know what happened when the internet caught wind: The memefication became real.
Web Sheriff, an anti-piracy company based in the United Kingdom, sent out the DMCA notices on behalf of Rose, according to Torrentfreak, who managed to get the original photographer on the phone. The picture itself was taken in 2010 at the MTS Centre in Winnipeg, Canada.
The DMCA notices — at least the ones sent to Google, who publicly posts the DMCA notices they receive — demanding the takedown of the picture were sent May 31, 2016. So it seems the takedown notices had the opposite effect as intended, and have zombified this old picture into a new life on the internet.
Axl Rose has taken legal action against the interwebs to have his funny fat memes taken down.
— Casey Telford // (@CaseysPhotoPass) June 6, 2016
In other news, pie.
Axl Rose wants Google to remove the Fat Axl meme
— Stereogum (@stereogum) June 6, 2016
Fat axl rose meme #funny #LOL
— Nazi Jokes (@NaziJokes11) June 6, 2016
Demandame Axl Rose.
— Elkin León (@Muereelkin) June 6, 2016