Chests play a major role in Clash Royale deck building with the gold, gems and cards they contain, but since the addition of the Super Magical Chest, the old ordering cheat seemed to stop working. However, a new chest order hack appears to have been uncovered by Reddit Clash Royale player, sparks, earlier this month. While some may find the new chest drop order list useful, to others it may be just plain depressing. According to the new list the Magical chest will only appear 3 times in a 239-chest cycle, making it a little over a 1 in a 100 chance of getting one. As for the Super Magical Chest’s appearance, it has a 1 in 1000 chance of dropping – over 4 full chest cycles – before you’ll see another. It was initially thought the Super Magical chests fell randomly, but with only 1 in 1000 it could be a very long time before you get one.
NEW: UPDATED Clash Royale Chest Order Hack: Cheat Sheet Shows Magical And Giant Chest Drop Cycle
It is not known but Redditor believe when a Super Magical Chest drops, it doesn’t disrupt the order of the other chest drops, so you just keep counting like you did before. If you aren’t sure how to use the Chest Order cheat list, check out our explanation below. We’ve included a small screenshot of the first 25 chest drops, but for the full list, check out the original Reddit poster’s Imgur photo, here.
How To Use Chest Order Hack Cheat Sheet: Find Out When Your Next Gold, Magical Or Giant Chest Will Drop

Each Player Starts At A Different Place In The Chest Order Cycle So Pay Attention To Magical Chests – ok, so this is the key thing you have to know about the Clash Royale chest order: it is based on an algorithm, but every player starts at a random location in the chest order cycle. So, for example, if my game starts at chest number 9, then the third chest I open will be a magical chest (the first magical chest on the list is chest 11). The fact that everyone starts in a different place in the cycle makes it more difficult to use the list so the best strategy is to record every chest type you open in an ordered list. When you reach a magical or giant chest (whichever comes first) then really start paying attention to the order after that. You should see a pattern develop that follows the algorithm and you can follow that the rest of your game. If you come to the end of the chest cycle, just start again at the top.
Chest Order Is Listed By Number Of Chests Dropped - While initially we thought chest order was listed by battles won, it's actually listed by how many chests you've had drop. Going into Arena One, you automatically get one silver chest, which is Chest "0," but all others won in battles are then numbered as you get them in your chest drop slots.
Full Chest Slots Don't Alter Order - sometimes you may want to battle for fun but you don't have any open slots for chests to drop into. That's ok! Your number of wins doesn’t affect the chest order. It basically stops until you have an open slot to drop one into.
If you are ready to start tracking your chest order, the complete cycle can be found , here .