"Fallout 76's" "Ghoul" update sees the world in the eyes of an undead. With the latest patch notes already published, you can now become a radiation-proof ghoul in the game.
While players rejoice at the idea of this zombified concept, many of them are complaining about why a game-breaking bug arrives just in time for the new update.
Ghoul Update Brings Excitement and Frustration
"Fallout 76's" most awaited "Ghoul" update is now live, offering players the opportunity to take on the radioactive wasteland by becoming a ghoul.
According to Bethesda, the new development has gamers looking forward to the advantages of radiation immunity and tackling toxic areas with impunity. While most are getting on well with the update, some have been stuck by a game-breaking bug that breaks gameplay.
Game-Breaking Bug Disables Quest Completion
A few users have complained of an annoying glitch that occurs in character customization upon the completion of the transformation quest. One of the users, Both_Emu_2131, posted his experience on Reddit, cautioning others.
"The situation is much worse then [sic] I realized. Luckily I have already completed all of the faction quests so this doesn't affect me too horribly but could affect others. Because im labeled as a ghoul I cannot enter places like the inside of Fort Atlas," the original poster wrote.
"Normally when your [sic] a ghoul, you're able to go talk to the person inside the cave the ghouls are in and get a disguise. However, I can't access the person I need to speak with to get a disguise because according to the quest I still need to 'become a ghoul' so until either a patch comes out or something is fixed," the original poster added. "I am now permanently locked out of the brotherhood of steel and other locations as well."
Stuck in an Endless Loop
The glitch happens after talking to Parthenia, where players should take an inhaler and go inside a launch silo to become unconscious from radiation poisoning. However, since they are already a ghoul and resistant to radiation, the mission does not trigger correctly.
Both_Emu_2131 says players will be trapped in an endless loop. What's worse, the mission cannot be finished because you can no longer move forward. The Redditor said that he experienced this problem when he got stuck in the silo room only to disconnect after a few seconds.
Another Redditor shared that his character was outside the Hillside Cavern after logging back. The user was confused because his character was invisible. Aside from that, the character had no HP left because the radiation damage drained all of it.
The Redditor realized that the character fainted due to radiation poisoning and from here, he could no longer proceed to the next quest.
For most players, the ghoul transformation quest has proceeded relatively smoothly except for minor bugs with NPCs such as Parthenia not responding during cutscenes. But the bug that prevents players from making progress is an issue that developers will hopefully tackle soon.
Fans Waiting for a Fix
"Fallout 76" players are waiting patiently for a patch so they can enjoy the full advantages of ghouling. In the meantime, those impacted by the bug might have to wait patiently for a patch to revive their progress, according to PC Gamer.
Bethesda has not yet officially confirmed the bug, but with the severity of the problem, it's only a matter of time before a patch is released to allow all players to unleash their inner ghoul.