Doomsday Clock #2 teases a moment we’ve all been waiting for since we first learned the Watchmen follow-up would tie into the DC Universe: Rorschach in the Batcave. Granted, we don’t know who this new Rorschach is, or what’s different about him (aside from the fact he likes pancakes not beans). But a conversation with Bruce Wayne could give us a few hints about his backstory.
Series writer Geoff Johns revealed the preview on Twitter, reminding fans the second issue arrives Dec. 27. The speech balloon reads, “Only a monster would keep trophies like this,” as the new Rorschach inspects the underground lair and checks out Mr. Zero’s costume (later Mr. Freeze) resting behind the glass.

The DC Creative Officer also said there will be a month-long break after the first four issues, between #4 and #5, “to keep the quality and page count as high as possible. Hope you dig it.” Sticking to monthly releases (#3 on 1/24, #4 on 2/28), this likely means the fifth issue will arrive in April. Artist Gary Frank chimed in below the tweet and teased fans, “By the end of 4 you may need a break from AWESOMENESS!”

“Once we started, it became clear that we'd need to do this,” Frank said in addition to a photo of the line art. “28 pages of the most densely-plotted and crafted pages plus 4 pages of back matter. We're squeezing about 1 and a half comics between each issue's covers.”
Johns and Frank are definitely packing this book to the brim with surprises, one of which will be the appearance of Sgt. Rock. How in the world they are going to fit him into the story is anyone’s guess. While it wasn’t as clear a hint as Sgt. Rock, Johns also teased Clayface and Wally West when chatting with fans on Twitter last week. We may not see them anytime soon, but it’s clear fans are in for a wild ride that includes a meeting between Lex Luthor and Ozymandias in the second issue.

Doomsday Clock #1 was the best-selling comic book in November. If you’re apprehensive about the series, check out our review. See the Doomsday Clock #2 solicitation below.
Doomsday Clock #2
Art By: Gary Frank
Cover by: Gary Frank
Variant cover by: Gary Frank
Written by: Geoff Johns
DC and Watchmen characters collide at last! The story that began in DC UNIVERSE: REBIRTH #1 comes to a thrilling and unexpected crescendo in the pages of this titanic twelve-issue series by the all-star team that brought you BATMAN: EARTH ONE and SHAZAM!
In this second chapter: The Dark Knight discovers another relic from the Watchmen world. Lex Luthor pays a devil’s bargain. And killer clowns trek through Gotham seeking a madman.