Gears 5 Title Update 4.2 Adds Horde Frenzy Mode

Gears 5

Gears 5 is finally getting a fan-favorite mode from its predecessor. The Horde Frenzy mode, which was last seen in Gears of War 4, will finally make its way into the latest Gears game. Horde Frenzy is like Horde mode, but on steroids. The matches are half as long as Horde mode, but are way more difficult. There will be a total of 12 rounds with a mini-boss encounter every four rounds. You will have a better arsenal in the beginning, but the rounds will get more challenging. Matches only last around 30 minutes, but the time spent is quite intensive.

The mode will launch on March 10 via Title Update 4.2. The update also makes some small tweaks in the game. You can read the entire patch notes below or on the official site.



  • Introducing Horde Frenzy! 12 wave Horde available in matchmaking on 3 maps.*
  • Escape Hive ‘The Descent’: Balancing pass to address some of the huge difficulty spikes during the Hive. Replaced the Iron Man mutator with Ammo Starvation.
  • Escape Hive ‘The Gauntlet’: Balancing pass to address some of the huge difficulty spikes during the Hive. Reduced the number of overall Bastions. Replaced weapons lockers with ammo crates.


  • Multiple fixes for the Boomshot to dramatically improve consistency. This includes updates to address specific materials that could block Boomshot damage when a shot lands beside / behind an opponent, increases to the initial explosion damage and decreasing the application time of damage from the Boomshot.
  • Flashbang hitmarkers will now only appear if the user has been stunned by the Flash
  • Capping and breaking rings will now be worth 100 points. We recognized our points were undervaluing the impact of capturing or breaking rings, and we’re continuing to look at further improvements we can make to scoring all up.*
  • Lowered the number of players needed to start FFA to 6 (from 12) to improve the matchmaking experience for lower population regions at off-peak times.*


  • Fixed an issue with Flash Bangs that caused audio to be louder than usual
  • Fixed an issue that could cause audio distortion in Horde when a Kestrel or Trishot fired


  • Additional crash fix
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