So you want to climb to Legend in Hearthstone , but don’t really know how use “board control” or trade “efficiently”? Have I got the deck for you! Aggro Shaman has become all the rage ever since League of Explorers gave us that little Tunnel Trogg . Since then, players have been using the face damage spells of Shaman alongside strong offensive minions like Argent Horserider to try and finish off their opponents before they have the chance to fight back.
Whispers of the Old Gods gave Shaman a few extremely powerful cards. The most powerful card in the whole set IMO is Flamewreathed Faceless , which is a 7/7 for four mana with an Overload of two. That’s some major power right there, especially since Blizzard nerfed its biggest counter Big Game Hunter . Whenever I see this leviathan dropped turn four, I hover over that conceded button, because there’s no way in hell I’m killing that thing.
Master of Evolution and Evolve are where things get really crazy. They turn minions into other minions that cost one more. I’ve seen players Evolve their Totems, only to get a Doomsayer and instantly conceded. Master of Evolution is a much more consistent card, since it has good stats on its own and you can only transform one other minion. Still, when I started playing Hearthstone years ago, I wouldn’t have thought of Shaman as a top-tier archetype.
Playing this deck is a no brainer. Wait until turn five and play Doomhammer . Then you use your Rockbiter Weapon and do 10 damage to your opponent's face. Rinse and repeat with as much damage as you can muster and you will either win or lose by turn seven. It’s definitely not as complicated as Freeze Mage or as thoughtful as C’thun Druid , but that’s what makes this such a good deck. Even a monkey can win with Aggro Shaman.
As far as mulligans go, you want Tunnel Trogg and Totemic Golem . If you get those two, the game is pretty much yours. Here’s the best deck list Aggro Shaman. I’ve played against it around 100 times in the last three days, and this is definitely the most popular build . Flametongue Totems are optional, I’ve seen Knife Jugglers teched in instead.
Earth Shock × 1
Lightning Bolt × 2
Rockbiter Weapon × 2
Tunnel Trogg × 2
Ancestral Knowledge × 2
Eternal Sentinel × 2
Flametongue Totem × 2
Totem Golem × 2
Feral Spirit × 2 3
Lava Burst × 2 3
Flamewreathed Faceless × 2
Doomhamme r × 2
Neutral Cards
Abusive Sergeant × 2
Argent Squire × 2
Sir Finley Mrrgglton × 1
Argent Horserider × 2