Like all other EA games, there will be a 10-hour trial of Mass Effect: Andromeda available for EA Access and Origin Access subscribers to play. However, just like other EA/Origin Access trials, this one will limit how far players will be able to progress in the story.
you can play it all in sp if you want, but it is gated (you can't cont story after a point, but can explore or restart for ex)
— Fernando Melo (@DiscoBabaloo) March 5, 2017
According to Fernando Melo, a producer on Andromeda, players will be held back from continuing the story after a certain point. Melo mentions the campaign will take players to an unnamed planet, and more of that planet can be explored after the stopping point of the trial has been reached. Players are also free to restart the campaign if there’s still time left in their 10 hour trial window.
no, for MP only restriction is the 10hr time limit on the build itself
— Fernando Melo (@DiscoBabaloo) March 5, 2017
If you want to jump over to the multiplayer component of Andromeda, there’s no need to worry here. There will be no limit to how much multiplayer you can play, outside of the 10 hour limit the trial has.
The Mass Effect: Andromeda trial will be available to start playing on March 16. Seeing as how EA Access is exclusive to Xbox One and Origin Access is exclusive to PC, PS4 players will have to sit out from joining in the fun.
Mass Effect: Andromeda releases for PS4, Xbox One and PC on March 21.
So what do you think? Are you excited to start playing Mass Effect: Andromeda as soon as possible? Do you think you’ll hit the stopping point when you start playing the trial? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.