With a player-base and community that is now over 50-million strong, you can bet that a big percentage of Apex Legends players are constantly trying to find news or announcements on upcoming updates. That includes scouring the web and following up on rumors about potential new characters.
While rumors have been going around for some time now regarding the apocalyptic junkie-themed hero, it seems some information may have leaked online confirming what many in the community had been hearing all along: the next hero is going to be Octane.

Of course, this is the internet and supposed “leaks” like this one can just as easily be fake or illegitimate, so take the announcement with a grain of salt. However, if you do believe this rumors and want a heads-up on what is supposedly to come, then we have the details for you.
Rumor has it Octane, like his name suggests, is going to be high-speed character with a high-octane personality. One of his three skills, Adrenaline Junkie, will provide Octane with a speed boost, instantly giving him an advantage in combat. Other “leaked” information include the to-be-announced release date for the Apex Legends Battle Pass, which is allegedly scheduled for March 12.
Although chances are looking pretty good that Octane might just be the next hero to join the Apex Legends roster, dataminers have also uncovered information pertaining to another possible character named Wattson. Like Octane and his supposed performance enhancing abilities, Wattson is also aptly named, with a Tesla Trap that electrocutes enemies to a certain, yet currently unknown, effect.
Here at Player.One, we’ve learned to be skeptical about rumors like this. However, we admit it’s hard not to get excited about a new hero, regardless of whether the rumors are true or not. What do you think about these developments? Do you think Octane really is lined up to be the first addition to Apex Legends’ character roster, or will it be the electro-powered Wattson? Let us know in the comments section below!