Tempo Storm, the gate keepers on all Hearthstone meta things, has just released their first “Meta Snapshot” since Whispers Of The Old Gods came out. Reynad, and his merry group of Hearthstone pros, have concocted a tier list of all current viable decks floating around the ladder, from tier one to tier four. Right now, the strongest decks are in tier one but the meta is so new that anything can change.
Shocking nobody, Aggro Shaman is the strongest deck in Hearthstone . Ever since League of Explorers , Shaman has dominated the Hearthstone meta scene. Tunnel Trogg gave Shaman an early game play and the deck just snowballed from there. When Whispers Of The Old Gods came out, Shaman got even better cards, like Flamewreathed Faceless.
Tempo Storm’s variant doesn’t run Master of Evolution , a card from the new set that seems to be a staple in most Aggro Shaman decks. Instead, there are two Flame Jugglers , a card that was never really bad but not good enough to be included in most decks outside of arena. With Haunted Creeper and Mad Scientist saying goodbye and Ironbeak Owl costing three mana, the need for good two drops has increased. Shaman already has amazing two drops, like Eternal Sentinel and Totemic Golem. Now there’s just more fuel for the fire.
Another deck I’ve written about before, Zoolock , has come out of the format change reborn again. For most of The Grand Tournament Meta , Zoolock was deemed too slow and lost to aggressive matchups like Secret Paladin. Everything is changing now, so older decks have come back into the rotation. Tempo Storm says: “One of the best aspects of this deck during a new meta is that it is an aggressive deck, which means you can easily take wins against the unrefined decks that are unprepared for aggro.” Darkshire Councilman is so OP.
Another classic Hearthstone deck that’s been given new life due to cards in WOTG is Miracle Rogue. For those of you new to the game, Gadgetzan Auctioneer used to be an amazing draw engine, until its mana cost was nerfed to the ground. Removal cards like Sap and Eviscerate are great for dealing with stronger minions like Flamewreathed Faceless .
The addition of Xaril has also helped Rogue find those extra spells it needs to really get value from Gadgetzan Auctioneer , making your draw into lethal more consistent.” Tempo Storm writes. “Silence and Big Game Hunter no longer pose the same threat they once did, making Edwin VanCleef viable again.”
Last, but certainly not least is N’zoth Paladin. Paladin has always been the king of Hearthstone , Uther has some of the best class cards in the game, like Tirion Fordring and Muster For Battle . With WOTG, they got a few more, Steward of Darkshire being the most prominent. This style of Paladin deck focuses on control, instead of spamming low health minions and giving them Divine Shield, like Reynad’s clown fiesta deck .
N’zoth brings back all the minions with Deathrattle you owned that died this game. Sylvanas Windrunner, Cairne Bloodhoof, Tirion Fordring and Harvest Golem are the only Deathrattle minions you run. The deck is still mostly just a Control Paladin deck, using mass board clear like Wild Pyromancer and Humility . I don’t know if this deck has the same level of power as the other three, it definitely has a hard time beating Zoolock or Aggro Shaman .
Do you think Tempo Storm has the right idea with these being the best decks, or do you think they are entirely off base? Tell us in the comments!