Another day, another card reveal for Hearthstone: Whispers of the old Gods . Infest is a three mana Hunter spell that gives all your minions “Deathrattle: add a random Beast to your hand.” I don’t know how to feel about this card. On one hand, cards that discover beasts like Tomb Spider and Webspinner are great, especially in arena. They almost always get their value back, giving you a minion to help your tempo. RNG is still the deciding factor though and for every King Krush you get, there’s a Hungry Crab waiting to ruin your day.
On the other hand, it’s three mana that doesn't give you anything on its own. Infest is a combo piece that works well with decks that spam the board. Midrange Hunter used to be a good deck, but fell out of favor after League of Explorers. Tempo became super important and Midrange Hunters just couldn’t keep up with the Secret Paladins and Keeper of Uldamans on the ladder. This Old God set is supposed to slow the game down, so it wouldn’t be too farfetched to see Savannah Highmane back in popularity.
I can’t wait to try out Infest , especially with Unleash the Hounds . For six mana, you get a row of Webspinners with Charge that can fill your hand with Beasts. Use this with Starving Buzzard and the value might give you a heart attack. Face Hunters struggle with keeping hand advantage, since they have such little draw. One Infest used as a tech card might be good to have, but there is no way until the sets released.