My favorite class in Hearthstone has always been the Hunter. Rexxar can either be a face-slamming moron or a methodical control archer who uses strong Beasts to gain board control. The Mean Streets Of Gadgetzan weren’t kind to Misha and the other Animal Companions, leaving Hunters in a pretty bad spot. A new card just revealed on the Hearthstone Championship Tour might just change that.
The Marsh Queen- Hunter’s Quest requires Rexxar to summon seven one-cost minions, which is really easy for them. Fiery Bat, Abusive Sergeant and so many more one-drops fit well with the Hunter’s aggresive playstyle. If you manage to summon all seven minions in a game, you get my favorite Quest reward revealed so far, called The Marsh Queen.
Queen Carnassa- I’m not sure what I like better: the terrifying dinosaur card art or the Beast’s actual effect. Adding 15 3/2 1-mana Raptors that have you draw a card whenever they are summoned is just way too good. Have a Call Of The Wild in your hand, now they are 4/2 dangers that can even trade well with Jade Druid at later ranks.
Volcanosaur- This beauty might not be a Hunter class card, but it seems like a perfect friend for Savannah Highmane . Double Adapt can give you an 8/6 with Taunt, a bunch of little minions, or even a Charge with Divine Shield. It might not blend too well with The Marsh Queen decks, but Control Hunter might have a resurgence with Beasts like this coming into the Standard format.