After its official reveal over the weekend, new information about Lycanroc Dusk Form was revealed in the latest issue of CoroCoro, including some of its attacks and its ability.
According to Serebii, the leaked August issue of CoroCoro shows new art for Lycanroc Dusk Form and that it gets both Accelrock and Counter as attacks. If you recall, Accelrock was exclusive to Lycanroc Midday Form while Lycanroc Midnight Form received Counter. Lycanroc Dusk Form’s ability is Tough Claws, giving this Lycanroc an added 33 percent increase in attacks that make physical contact.
Check out the leaked image below.
Serebii Update: CoroCoro reveals more details on Lycanroc Dusk Form
— (@SerebiiNet) August 8, 2017
This issue of CoroCoro also mentions a distribution of Lycanroc Dusk Form in Japan starting Nov. 17. When the new Lycanroc was revealed, the official Pokémon website stated that this form of Lycanroc could not be obtained by traditional means, meaning that it can’t be obtained in the wild. Whether that means you can’t evolve a Rockruff in Pokémon Ultra Sun or Ultra Moon is still unclear. In Pokémon Sun, you could evolve Rockruff into Lycanroc Midday during the day and into Lycanroc Midnight in Pokémon Moon during the evening. You could also catch the version of Lycanroc that you can’t evolve into later in the game.
UPDATE: It has been confirmed that Lycanroc Dusk will be a pure Rock-type and can ONLY be obtained through the distribution starting Nov. 17.
Pages of CoroCoro are still leaking, so if there is more information on Lycanroc Dusk Form or Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, we will update.
There is speculation that there may be a fourth Lycanroc Form in Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, thanks to a look into the code of the Pokémon Global Link website. An image with Lycanroc’s Pokedex number revealed that there were four forms and this is before Dusk Form was revealed so there is a possibility for a Dawn Form.
If it wasn't due to this image extracted on the Global Link we wouldn't be speculating like crazy and we'd be asking which of the 2 it'll be
— Joe Merrick (@JoeMerrick) August 3, 2017
Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon will release for Nintendo 3DS on Nov. 17.
So what do you think of the abilities and attacks for Lycanroc Dusk Form? Which version of Lycanroc is your favorite? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.
- Difficulty is challenging
- Post game is great
- New features and additions are welcome
- Story is muddled
- Not enough changes