Each day for the last week, Marvel has gifted us with another peek inside The Inhumans . The premiere of the feature film turned TV series comes to IMAX theaters in September. However, the promotions so far have gotten a lackluster response among fans.
The latest, a 30-second teaser with a voiceover from Ramsay Bolton (yes Bolton because Maximus’ voice literally has the exact same cadence and tone as Iwan Rheon’s character from Game of Thrones ) suggests the villainous brother of Black Bolt will try and become the Inhuman leader himself. He believes it will set the Inhumans free. Free from what? We still don’t know, but it may have to do with the reason why the Royal Family left their home, the moon civilization of Attilan, in exchange for the humidity and beaches of Hawaii.
READ: ‘Inhumans’ Poster Teases Black Bolt’s Original Costume And Journey From Attilan
"Basically we’re telling a story about a family at a very critical juncture in their lives. When we meet up with them, we’re going to find that pretty much everything they’ve ever known is at risk,” Executive Producer Scott Buck, who previously worked on Marvel’s Iron Fist , told Entertainment Weekly.

As seen in EW’s first look at the costumes, the show is going to take a more grounded tone. Buck said there will be fantastical elements “to a certain extent,” but he approached the characters as “real people who just happen to have these abilities.”
“ We try to write them as real as possible, and then have fun with the powers when we can. We want their powers to seem like a very natural part of their personality,” Buck said.
In the comics, Maximus tries to usurp his brother’s throne multiple times. Nicknamed ‘Maximus the Mad,’ he is undoubtedly a supervillain in the comics, though the series will take a different approach.
"We didn’t want to create just a simple villain who’s evil for the sake of being evil. He’s a very real, three-dimensional character. Iwan is more than capable. Every time we watch dailies of him, we’re just more and more excited about what he’s bringing to the screen," Buck explained.

Maximus is a master of deception, aided mind-control abilities that are often hampered by mental instability. His psychic powers give him quite a dangerous way with words on top of his genius-level intellect.
"I think our Maximus is a different, more complicated, more real, more compelling version of Maximus that has been seen in most of the comics, and it’s just because we have the opportunity to do so much more on the screen than you would in a comic book," Buck told EW .
How Black Bolt will handle his brother going off the rails should be interesting. A character like Black Bolt, who can’t talk normally without causing significant damage, is certainly a fresh and unique power… and a difficult one to depict on-screen.
"Anson is tackling it in a hugely fantastic way. It’s a little bit difficult to write him, because Black Bolt does not speak, but yet he is our hero and he is the center of the show, so it does certainly present challenges in how you tell his story, but fortunately we came up with a really good story,” Buck continued.
“If you read the comics, you see Black Bolt does find a way to communicate to people, but he’s also a very enigmatic character as well, and he keeps a lot inside. That’s part of what’s so fascinating about him is that a lot of times, we don’t know what he’s thinking."
READ : ‘Inhumans’ Set Photo Reveals Possible Connection To ‘Agents Of SHIELD’
Even with all this new information about the series, there’s really one question on fans’ minds: will there be an Agents of SHIELD crossover? A strong connection with SHIELD , considering the reaction to the latest promotions, could go a long way in generating hype and getting people to watch. The bad news is there is no crossover planned, at least for the first season. The good news is, Inhumans does take place in the SHIELD Universe.
“We all inhabit the same universe, so things that have happened on SHIELD will potentially affect our show as well.”
To get to know each member of the Inhuman Royal Family, check out our breakdown of the cast.
The Inhumans arrives in IMAX theaters Sept. 1. The eight-episode Season 1 premieres on ABC Sept. 26. Check out the official synopsis below.
After the Royal Family of Inhumans is splintered by a military coup, they barely escape to Hawaii, where their surprising interactions with the lush world and humanity around them may prove to not only save them, but earth itself.