When Captain Cold destroyed the Oculus, the explosion also marked the end of of the Time Masters. Destiny and future have been erased, causing a ripple effect, and The Legends will have to protect time themselves. All of this will play a huge role in Legends of Tomorrow Season 2, Executive Producer Marc Guggenheim told IGN last month.

After defeating Vandal Savage, The Legends had a second to breathe -- so they thought. In the last moments of the season finale, a second Waverider timeship popped out of nowhere and none other than Rex Tyler (aka leading Justice Society member, Hourman) appeared by request of Chronos. He warned the Legends that if they got back on The Waverider without hearing him out, they’d all die. Then he revealed he was sent back in time by Mick Rory to save all the Legends from some group that they don’t even know about.
But that’s not the only unknown The Legends face. The Flash has severely messed up the timeline by returning back to his childhood home and saving his mother from the Reverse Flash, consequently erasing everything that’s happened in the last two years. Captain Cold may even be Central City's new hero, Citizen Cold, in the flashpoint timeline.

How will both the ripple effect of the Oculus and Flashpoint affect the entire Arrowverse? We don’t have the answer to that question, but when it comes to saving things, calling the first ever superhero team up -- the Justice Society of America -- for a 4-way, 4-night crossover would be a good start.
"With [Hourman’s] final words in the finale, he planted a pretty deep flag about where we're headed in Season Two, which is not just introducing Hourman but introducing his teammates in the Justice Society of America," Guggenheim tells The Hollywood Reporter . "Because the Time Masters are essentially gone and the Legends have destroyed the Oculus, that all means that someone else has to do the job of the Time Masters. Our Legends take that on as their new responsibility. It's sort of like, you break it, you buy it."

Hourman isn’t the only JSA member we met in a DCTV finale. The one and only Jay Garrick was also outed as The Flash of Earth 3. Honorary JSA hero, Superman, is joining the first two episodes of Supergirl ’s sophomore season (which is actually odd considering he doesn't exist in the Flashpoint arc), and Citizen Steel will be the newest member of the Legends team. That’s 4 new JSA members for next season. Coincidence? I think not. And while Arrow didn’t have any big character reveals, that doesn’t mean JSA won’t filter over to Star City. In fact, we’ve already met quite a few JSA affiliates on Arrow , most notably The Black Canary, though Huntress, Hawkman, Hawkgirl, Wildcat, Mr. Terrific and the late Manhunter were all members at some point as well.

The Flash is “such an important character to this whole world,” John Wesley Shipp, who plays Jay Garrick, told Variety." There have been endless suggestions and possibilities [that I can cross over to Legends as Jay Garrick]," Shipp says. "Jay Garrick formed the Justice Society,” the actor tells THR.
It’s unclear at this point if just The Flash will be affected by the events of Flashpoint. Personally, I’d find it to be quite a cop-out for the rest of the Arrowverse to remain completely unaffected. The CW’s smartest move would be to use Flashpoint as a way to introduce Supergirl's Earth to the rest of Arrowverse in a way similar to the comics, by merging multiple universes into one timeline. Supergirl could even take on the identity of her counterpart, Power Girl, who happens to be quite an important Justice Society member. Thanks to Entertainment Weekly ’ s ‘Spoiler Room’ column, we know this thought has at least crossed the creative team’s mind.

When asked if there is a Kara Danvers on Earth 1, Arrow Executive Producer Andrew Kreisberg responded, “Yes, but … Any Kara that exists on Earth 1 would also have to have been an alien. It can’t just be Kara Danvers from Poughkeepsie.” He continued with an answer to the follow-up question: Does that mean she could be a potential super (or maybe a power ) girl on his Earth, too? “Sure, different costume, but sure,” Kreisberg added.
One of my biggest complaints about the first season of Supergirl was Supergirl herself, not even her alter-ego, Kara Danvers. As soon as Kara suits up, she becomes super whiny and makes rash, childish decisions often resulting in her defeat. Power Girl is known to be much more mature, level-headed and aggressive, all characteristics that align much better with the CW’s audience.

Stephen Amell hasn’t been shy to talk about the fact Arrow will return to its roots in Season 5, meaning embracing its identity as the superpowerless superhero show. And who is the ultimate superpowerless DC superhero? Batman. This may seem, and probably is, highly unlikely--but a girl can dream. If The CW is willing to bring in Superman for Supergirl, they should pay some respect to the first show that got the ball rolling for the DCEU, particularly considering Batman’s presence in the original Flashpoint arc. Who else is going to help Barry when he wakes in an alternate timeline? We know the Bat exists in the Arrowverse as he’s been referenced many times on both Arrow and The Flash. A clipping of the Central City Citizen shows the front page headline “Flash missing, Vanishes in Crisis.” At the bottom of the page, there’s an article titled, “Wayne Tech-Queen Inc. Merger Complete.”

So, what about that 4-series, 4-episode Legends , Arrow , Flash and Supergirl crossover? If the Legends/JSA could find Barry in his new Flashpoint-induced alternate timeline and help him reset the multiverse, in turn introducing the JSA team early on into the season, it would be a home run for the network. Even though the Justice League had no presence in the Flashpoint arc, Barry is going to be powerless when he wakes up in Season 3 and Rip Hunter’s new JSA-stacked time traveling crew are the only people who will be able to help him, especially without Batman.
Caity Lotz, who plays White Canary on Legends, told DC All Access Season 2 will feel like a completely new show. The Waverider isn’t going to be doing as much time traveling each episode and will have numerous villains throughout the season instead of just one big bad. It’s still unclear where Hourman’s JSA comes from--could it be another Earth? The Past? The Future? Maybe even somewhere or something else entirely.
Do you think the 4-way crossover will be JSA related and address Flashpoint? What’s your pick for the best team? Let us know in the comments below!