Batman v. Deadshot? Batman won’t interact with the Joker too much in ‘Suicide Squad,’ but according to early screenings, he has two emotional scenes with Will Smith’s Deadshot.
The new 'Halloween' sequel may have a soundtrack provided by John Carpenter, who will also executive produce the next sequel in the movie series he created.
If Pixar wants to stay competitive in the marketplace it should take the 'Finding Dory' animation to battle with Netflix's streaming aquarium experiences.
Does 'Star Trek Beyond' include Dominion Jem'Hadar? The answer is a big fat, "No," but the why may surprise you. Plus, new reveals from the st indicate that the plot of 'Beyond' will take more from 'Deep Space Nine' than anyone would have guessed.
Marvel Studios has confirmed the new cast members in its upcoming 'Thor: Ragnarok' including Karl Urban as the Executioner and Tessa Thompson as Valkyrie.
The final trailer for 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows' looks really fun. Plus, it introduces Commander Krang! I'm already aching for a Baxter Stockman action figure.
Daniel Craig is done as James Bond after 'Spectre,' so posh British gadflies are going nuts betting on who will be next. Their current favorite? Tom Hiddleston.
New leaks from the set of 'Star Wars: Episode 8' promise the return of the Knights of Ren. Serious spoilers ahead for their encounter with Luke Skywalker.
There's only one right choice for Cable in 'Deadpool 2' and it's Stephen Lang. If you don't already want to cast this fantastic actor, just wait until you see 'Don't Breathe.'