Ghostrunner Nintendo Switch Version Delayed

Ghostrunner AlphaCoders

Earlier this month, Ghostrunner was confirmed to launch on PC, PS4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch on the same day. While the game is currently out for PC, PS4, and Xbox One, the Nintendo Switch version has been delayed into November. However, there is no confirmation on which date the game will become available for Switch fans.

All In! Games and 505 Games explained the delay on the handheld by stating that the Switch version of the game has been held back "to provide players the best experience possible." Fans were assured that the game's new release date will be soon confirmed.

It is natural for anticipating fans to feel disappointed with any game's delay, but it has to be noticed that November is just around the corner. There's a possibility that Ghostrunner may release in the last days of November, or even in the first week of November. Nevertheless, we'll soon get to know the news.

While Switch fans might be disappointed with the delay of this Cyberpunk-style game, a bigger majority of the gaming community is disappointed with another Cyberpunk game that was delayed yesterday. CD Projekt Red's Cyberpunk 2077 has been previously delayed multiple times and recently, the developers shared the news that the game has gone Gold, implying that development is complete. CD Projekt Red disappointed fans yesterday by announcing Cyberpunk 2077 had been delayed into December.

2020 has been quite a year for everyone, including video game developers. There have been several delays from various developers, but there have also been some amazing releases.

Speaking of Ghostrunner, I somewhat enjoyed the game in my time with it. The first-person platformer offers fast-paced gameplay, featuring parkour, melee, and a great soundtrack to top everything off.

Ghostrunner is also scheduled to receive a free next-gen upgrade on PS5 and Xbox Series X/S in 2021.

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