Doctor Strange's release date is quickly approaching. To kick off the marketing campaign, Marvel just released 17 new high quality photos you definitely need to see.
'Legend of Conan' is still on the way and we have an update from the screenwriter, who is doing his best to stay true to the original vision set by director John Milius and Conan star Arnold Schwarzenegger.
The first full trailer for 'Arrival' is here and the new Amy Adams-starring alien first contact thriller looks to be remarkably faithful to the original Ted Chiang short story.
The last Assassin’s Creed movie featurette can be summed up in one word: NOPE! Twentieth Century Fox, the studio behind the video game film adaptation, released behind-the-scenes footage of the production attempting to create the real life Leap of Faith.
The release date for 'Star Wars: Episode 8' draws nearer. Post-production has begun. And now director Rian Johnson has posted a photo to Instagram that celebrates Day 1 in the editing room.
The Assassin’s Creed movie will feature some familiar faces for those who’ve played the Ubisoft games. But no, you won’t see Michael Fassbender interact with Ezio or Altair, so does it really matter?
2013’s zombie apocalypse adventure, 'World War Z,' might be getting a sequel after all, with producer and leading man Brad Pitt seemingly calling in a favor from 'Seven' and 'Fight Club' director David Fincher.
'No Man's Sky' is so vast, so endless, that we've begun to experience the galactic ennui felt by Captain James T. Kirk at the beginning of 'Star Trek Beyond.'
With the erasure of the 'Star Wars' Expanded Universe, we've also lost the alcohol and drugs created over the years. How will Finn, Rey, Poe Dameron and other 'Star Wars: Episode 8' characters get stoned and drunk now?!
Warner Bros Studios gave fans a sneak peek of what’s to come in the Justice League movie at the end of Suicide Squad . If you stick around after the colorful credits, you’ll see Amanda Waller and Bruce Wayne have a sit down dinner.
A new report says that Warner Bros. had some last-minute involvement in the final cut of 'Suicide Squad' and may be the reason it may not be a good movie.
'Guardians of the Galaxy 2' won't have Thanos or the Infinity Stones, which makes us wonder how 'Avengers: Infinity War' will manage to make the little pebbles not completely stupid.