Doom Eternal's multiplayer component is quite complex. That’s why the developers at Id are continuously tweaking demons and slayer so that online matches are more balanced. The latest update for Doom Eternal heavily buffs Revenant for BattleMode. Anyone who played Revenant knows that he is too weak in the early rounds of each match. The developers are also aware of this and have made some heavy tweaks.
Revenant’s Jetpack recharge time is reduced by one second and the Afterburner recharge penalty by two seconds. His Twin Rockets are also buffed, as their projectile speed is increased by 20 m/s, however, the direct hit damage was reduced by four points. Both the max and min splash damage of the Twin Rockets have also increased by four points.
Rocket Barrage, on the other hand, was nerfed. The Rocket Barrage cooldown timer is now set at 30 seconds and direct damage (for each rocket) was reduced to only one damage point. The max splash damage was increased by two points and the min splash damage by three.
This update doesn’t require any downloads, as its effect will take place when you open the game. You can read the complete patch notes below or on the official website.
Doom Eternal June 18 Patch Notes
Balance Changes for ALL platforms
- Base recharge delay reduced from 2s to 1s
- Recharge penalty reduced from 2s to 0s
TWIN ROCKETS (Base Projectile Attack)
- Projectile Speed increased from 40 m/s to 60 m/s
- Direct Hit Damage reduced from 10 to 6
- Max Splash Damage increased from 6 to 10
- Min Splash Damage increased from 2 to 6
- Cooldown increased from 13s to 30s
- Direct Damage for each rocket reduced from 3 to 1
- Max Splash Damage for each rocket increased from 4 to 6
- Min Splash Damage for each rocket increased from 2 to 5
End of Round Upgrades:
- Fuel duration increased from 5s to 10s
- Total projectiles reduced from 28 to 24 rockets
- Rocket Barrage cooldown with Unstable Trigger from 13s to 30s (round upgrade no longer affects cooldown)
- Armored replaced with Haste
Power Upgrades:
- Damage increase reduced from 25% to 10%
- Duration increased from 10s to 20s
- Added 10% damage reduction
Balance Changes for Console only
Rocket Barrage
- Max Splash Damage for each rocket increased from 4 to 5
- Min Splash Damage for each rocket increased from 2 to 3
So what do you think? Do you think this buff will help Revenant? Which other Demons do you think needs to be tweaked? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.