Fallout 76 has given an update on three different events happening as May comes to a close. For one, there’s additional information on how Seasons are going to work. There’s also going to be a Treasure Hunter event and the return of the Fasnacht Parade.
New Seasons
Earlier this month, Fallout 76 revealed its roadmap which included the introduction of Season. You can read more about that here.

For this week, Fallout 76 reminded everyone that participation in Fallout Seasons is going to be free for everyone. That’s not all as every time a new Season starts, everyone immediately gets access. What this means is that all players are going to follow the same progress along with the same reward track. However, players do have the option to buy individual ranks, in the order they appear, using Atoms. The only difference is that it’s only going to be possible after the first two weeks.
With this in mind, Fallout 76 is looking into adding some bonus rewards at certain Ranks for Fallout 1st members.
Treasure Hunter
This event actually started last week and was initially expected to end early. However, it has since been extended until tomorrow, May 27. In this event, it’s Open Season on Treasure Hunter Mole Miners, particularly the ones at Ash Heap. All that needs to be done is to look for these special Mole Miners and players need to take them down and then claim their loot by simply picking up and opening the Mole Miner Pails they drop.

In addition, Vendor bots around Appalachia are also going to sell Empty Pails to players for Caps.
Fasnacht Parade
The Fasnacht Parade Seasonal Event is making a return to Helvetia. It was supposed to begin yesterday, May 25, however there appears to have been some issues. In a post, the Fallout 76 Community Manager revealed that they discovered an issue which prevented the event from going online. As a result, the parade is going to be disabled while a fix is being investigated. The Fasnacht Parade is going to be released at a later date once the issue has been resolved.

Once it does come back, the Fasnacht Parade is going to work out like it did before. The Protectrons in Helvetia are going to need the help of everyone to prepare for the parade. If players manage to help them before the timer runs out, the bots are going to gather and go on a festive march around town. That won’t be the end as players also need to defend the parade from any party crasher in return for some loot. The more bots that survive the parade, the better the chances at getting rare loot.