On the heels of a maintenance period that lasted from 1 a.m. to 4 a.m. EST, players logging into Final Fantasy XIV today can expect a major piece of content: a new raid called Omega: Deltascape, delivered courtesy of patch 4.01.

In order to enter the Omega raid, players must finish the “The Hunt for Omega” quest and have an item level of 295 or higher. There’s also a new line of Deltascape gear players can unlock using tokens obtained from the new raid, similar to the Alexander raids. Tokens are limited to one token per area per week. The Omega Raid takes a full eight-person team and about 90 minutes to complete.
Currently only the Normal raid is available. Omega: Savage is expected to release in patch 4.05 later this month.
To celebrate the expansion’s first update, Square Enix has released some gorgeous new artwork by Lead Concept Artist Yosuke Mogi featuring Lyse, Hien, Yugiri and Gosetsu. There’s also two stunning new renders of the new red mage and samurai classes via the Square Enix Visual Works studio which you can all check out below:

In addition to the much-anticipated new raid, patch 4.01 fixed a number of bugs. They are as follows:
An issue during the main scenario quest “The Lord of the Revel” wherein a client error occurred after completing the trial “The Pool of Tribute” which prevented players from logging in.
Further details regarding this issue can be found on the Lodestone.
An issue wherein players could not progress through quests under certain conditions.
An issue in the FATE “No Lip” wherein rainbowlip oysters were difficult to target.
An issue wherein capturing a FATE monster would stop further enemies from spawning, preventing completion of the FATE.
An issue wherein the bard action Battle Voice had no effect when used immediately after Mage’s Ballad, Army’s Paeon, or the Wanderer’s Minuet.
In addition to addressing this issue, party members are no longer required to be under the effects of a song to receive the effects of Battle Voice.
An issue wherein Lilies were not added to a white mage’s Healing Gauge even when requirements for obtaining Lilies were met.
An issue wherein action help text for the dark knight action Blood Price did not accurately state the conditions for its effect.
An issue wherein the PvE action Bhavacakra dealt physical damage.
An issue wherein damage dealt when using the machinist action Rook Overdrive did not appear in the battle log.
An issue wherein the description of the status inflicted by the machinist action Dismantle was incorrect.
An issue wherein the scholar action Fey Union would always restore critical HP under certain conditions.
An issue wherein action help text for the faerie ability Fey Illumination was incorrect.
An issue wherein auto-attack did not engage when using the melee DPS role action Feint.
An issue wherein auto-attack did not engage when using the physical ranged DPS role action Leg Graze.
An issue wherein the help text for skill speed in the Character interface did not include the potency increase for auto-attacks.
An issue wherein changing jobs in certain areas such as the Waking Sands would place the recast timer of actions on cooldown.
An issue when forming a cross-world party wherein the party was listed as Locked Duty when viewing the World tab.
An issue when turning in collectables wherein a system message did not display when players exceeded the limit of red crafters’ or gatherers’ scrips they can receive.
An issue when searching recipes in the crafting log with a game pad wherein the cursor did not move to the search results list.
An issue when using the machinist action Flamethrower wherein its effect ended when a target within range would move.
An issue wherein various in-game text was displayed incorrectly.
New items, mounts and minions were also added, but a list of these is not currently available. Also, PlayStation 4 players will be able to enlarge the system UI, new music has been added to Stormblood , and a few tank actions and traits have been adjusted for improved enmity generation. Full patch notes are available here.
Have you been enjoying Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood ? Looking forward to Omega: Deltascape? Feel free to let us know in the comments section below.