This new story episode features a mysterious astrologist and a special dungeon. We also explored the two limited-time events launched as part of the new update.
Different 7-Eleven, Speedway, and Stripes stores are going to help loyal customers achieve new levels with epic giveaways, an exclusive 7Collection merchandise drop, and new limited-time-only beverages inspired by the iconic PAC-MAN game.
A remaster of Creed: Rise to Glory is coming to PlayStation VR2 this April 4. It offers a lot of new content based on the upcoming Creed III movie. Pre-orders are now being accepted.
Players who have an abundance of Common and Magic Runes can now have them converted into more usable Ast Runes and Fading Embers by talking to Seril the Apprentice Jeweler in Westmarch.
Also in this update, the changes made to Resolve: Second Wind might put the rune on equal footing with other defensive options in terms of improving survivability.
The new survivors are the sister and brother duo of Thalita and Renato Lyra, hailing from Brazil. Meanwhile, The Eyes in the Sky puts modern tech in the hands of a killer for the first time.
Creative Mode now has access to five new exotic weapons from battle royale. One of the most notable is a shotgun that can destroy objects with a single shot!
It’s time to enjoy new content in Mercenaries. If you love Bounty Boss fights, get ready for Mythic Boss Rush. There are also new factions and new heroes added.
Grasping Vines is now appealing to use when dealing with the Titan Lord's limbs. Additionally, Blazing Inferno is buffed where players will have a slightly better chance of gaining Affliction stacks. This update drops on February 14.
It’s all about romance and fun in the Valentine’s Day event from February 8 to February 14. Don’t forget to join other trainers in the Global Challenge for rewards.
Barely less than a year since its release, Respawn announced that the game is shutting down. The main reason was that it didn't meet the required quality.