Going Medieval: Some Prioritization Issues Fixed in Patch 0.8.30

Patch 0.8.30
Patch 0.8.30 Twitter/@going_medieval

Have you been playing Going Medieval and noticed something wrong with order prioritization? Have you observed your settlers not doing their jobs as intended? Apparently, it is caused by some pesky bug. So, the dev team released a new patch that resolved this issue.

Patch 0.8.30 for Going Medieval also brings a few quality-of-life improvements. One of the most significant is that using the “Attack” goal via order or right-click feels more responsive now than before.

While this update fixed multiple bugs, some still persist and are for resolution. You might notice that some in-game sound effects are missing when you’re mining or harvesting crops. The good news is that the developers are already aware of this and are working on a fix. Hopefully, it gets included in the next patch.


Quality of Life Improvements
  • You can load the game from inside the game
  • Plant growth gets halted when the plant is roofed
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed the issue that caused the appearance of a wrong production duration calculation.
  • Fixed the issue that prevented beams from being selectable by the side parts.
  • Fixed the issue that caused flickering if a beam was selected and hovered over it.
  • Fixed the issue where some enemies wouldn’t hunt settlers when destroying one of the doors.
  • Fixed the issue that caused settlers to be “stuck” in place.
  • Fixed the issue that caused disappearances of room overlay colors.
  • Fixed the issue that caused the appearance of floating piles.
  • Fixed the issue that caused influence to drop to zero.
  • Fixed the issue that caused copied objects to have different priorities from the original ones.
  • Fixed the issue that caused settlers to perform infinite trap resetting animation if a priority order was given while they were rearming traps.
  • Fixed the issue where adding passion levels had no cost in Group Creation Points.
  • Fixed the issue that showed the influence graph to have the upper limit of 175, when it should be 100 since it is a percentage value.
  • Fixed the issue that caused production reservations not to work as intended.
  • Fixed the issue that allowed Barn doors to be used for making Pens, thus resulting in situations where domesticated animals could get out of pens.
  • Fixed several issues with settlers not prioritizing stuff and/or doing stuff and holding on to them while sleeping. Long story short, this should fix several scenarios like:
    • Settlers kept the task reserved even when they went to sleep.
    • Forced food piles were not properly reserved for the hunger goal.
    • Prioritizing the hauling order did not work as expected.
    • Production resource delivery was not properly reserved.

Going Medieval Patch 0.8.30 is available on PC.

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