A Look At Reynad's 'Hearthstone' Clown Fiesta Paladin Deck

Because Paladin still needed to be OP
Because Paladin still needed to be OP Blizzard

Over the weekend, the Hearthstone World Invitational in Seoul brought together the best eight Hearthstone players in the world to compete in the new Wild format. There were lots of old classics like Midrange Druid and Secret Paladin, along with some new decks spawned out of Whispers Of The Old Gods .

Reynad has invented countless Hearthstone deck archetypes, with Zoo Warlock being his most influential. With the new set out, Reynad has been tinkering with a whole bunch of different decks on his stream.

In the Quarterfinals of the tournament, Reynad showed off a very unique token deck. His opening hand consisted of two Murloc Tinyfins and a Wisp and he didn’t mulligan any of them. Those two cards are widely regarded as useless, their zero cost is not enough to waste room on them in a deck. Reynad thought differently, using as many one-health minions in what many have deemed a “ Divine Aggro ” deck.

The goal of this deck is to have Steward of Darkshire give Divine Shield to as many one-health minions as possible. You can also buff them even more with Rallying Blade and Hobgoblin . On paper the deck doesn’t seem too special, it’s wackiness far outweighs its versatility. In practice though, the deck is amazing. WOTG gave us some amazing one-health minions like Bilefin Tidehunter and Selfless Hero .

During Reynad’s match his opponent, Kraynich, is laughing. After a few turns of being swarmed his smile quickly disappears. Secret Paladin, which was the best deck in Hearthstone up until a week ago, was just smashed into the ground by a token deck. Reynad’s ingenuity never ceases to amaze me, no matter how salty I am that I keep losing to the archetypes he's created.

I haven’t been able to find his exact decklist, but this looks to be what he was using:


Selfless Hero × 2

Argent Protector × 2

Equality × 1

Aldor Peacekeeper × 1

Divine Favor × 2

Rallying Blade × 2

Seal of Champions × 1

Steward of Darkshire × 2

Blessing of Kings × 2

Consecration × 1

Keeper of Uldaman × 2

Truesilver Champion × 2

Stand Against Darkness × 1


Abusive Sergeant × 2

Argent Squire × 2

Bilefin Tidehunter × 2

Argent Horserider × 2

Blood Knight × 1

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