Today's Cosplay Pic of The Day features cosplayer HorizonEffects showcasing is fantastic Saint Seiya costume, plus tips for painting foam armor to look like metal. Check it out below.
Cosplayer HorizonEffects published some jaw-dropping photos of his recent Saint Seiya from Legend of Sanctuary costume. The intricately detailed cosplay costume is everything that shimmers and shines, including head-to-toe armor and red LED lights embedded in key places around the chest, shoulders, and forearms to give the costume authenticity.

“I chose this incarnation of Seiya because the design on his armor is very challenging,” the six-year cosplay veteran told iDigitalTimes.
Upon seeing the costume at a distance you might think it’s completely forged of metal, but according to HorizonEffects, the entire suit of armor has been created from craft foam.

“The most difficult part of making armor from foam is finding a paint technique that gives the metallic look, without cracking when applied,” he said.
For cosplayers who are inspired by HorizonEffects Saint Seiya costume, he offers these tips for preparing the foam “metal” armor so that it stays looking its best.

“Before painting, I used a half glue, half water mixture. Just plain old glue will do the trick if you water it down 50 percent. Paint the mixture onto your foam and let it dry. Once the water evaporates it leaving a smooth coating of glue behind,” the cosplayer said. “Some cosplayers like to use Mod Podge, but I really prefer this because Mod Podge leaves brush strokes behind and cracks more easily.”
He also offered tips for sealing the foam armor after painting is completed.
“I recommend using FutureWax acrylic floor polish to finish your foam. It's really glossy and only requires a couple of coats.”
For new cosplayers trying challenging designs, HorizonEffects give this advice:
“Research a lot, learn about the materials you are using. Take inspiration and advice from greats like Stan Winston Studios, Legacy Effects and other professional character designers.”
To see more of HorizonEffects many full armor cosplay costumes including Ultron and Iron Man, visit his Facebook or Deviant Art Page.
How To Paint Craft Foam To Look Like Metal (CosplayVideo And Photo Tutorials)
How To Paint And Seal Paint On Foam Armor
Make Your Cosplay Props Look Like Metal: Texturing Tutorial
Creating a Costume/Cosplay from E.V.A Foam
Painting foam to look like armor/metal
How To Make Gauntlets With Craft Foam
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